Health monitoring of the workers at the Wast to Energy incinerator of Turin
Responsabile: dott.ssa Antonella Bena, dott. Marco Fontana, dott.ssa Elena De Felip, dott. Alessandro Alimonti, dott.ssa Simona Giampaoli
Aim of this line of activity is to determine whether occupational exposure of the plant workers carries health risks for them. About 90 workers (administrative and those in contact with waste) are monitored through collecting and annual updating occupational and health information (health status, injuries and occupational diseases).
In 2013-16 a human biomonitoring (HBM) programme of the plant workers was conducted. HBM measured a variety of chemicals in urine and blood samples including heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo-furans [PCDDs/Fs], polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [OH-PAH]. As done for the biological samples collected from the residents living in the area of interest of the plant, some of the workers’ samples were stored in a biological repository for future analysis.
In addition, environmental workplace monitoring is in place; it measures a variety of chemicals, including heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, PAHs, VOC, biological pollutants.
The estimated total cost of worker monitoring is €420,000.
Scientific articles published
- Perceived Risk in the Population Living near the Turin Incinerator: Comparison between before and at Three Years of Operation
- Biomonitoring of the adult population living near the waste incinerator of Turin: Serum concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs after three years from the plant start-up
- Short-term effects on emergency room access or hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases: methodology and results after three years of functioning of a waste-to-energy incinerator in Turin (Italy)
- Biomonitoring of the adult population in the area of turin waste incinerator: Baseline levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites
- Human biomonitoring health surveillance for metals near a waste-to-energy incinerator: The 1-year post-operam study
- Risk perception in the population living near the Turin municipal solid waste incineration plant: survey results before start-up and communication strategies
- Biomonitoring and exposure assessment of people living near or working at an Italian waste incinerator: methodology of the SPoTT study
- Biomonitoring and exposure assessment of people living near or working at an Italian waste incinerator: methodology of the SPoTT study
- Human biomonitoring of metals in adults living near a waste-to-energy incinerator in ante-operam phase: focus on reference values and health-based assessments